The Black Gate Board Game

Cove (You've Been Poisoned!)

Produced by: Lucifuge Dragon

The Black Gate Board Game Main Map
The Black Gate Board Game Main Map

The main map for the cancelled The Black Gate Board Game.

Lucifuge Dragon has adapted Ultima 7: The Black Gate as an adventure board game. Players assume the roles of classic Ultima personalities (presumably the Companions) and must work together to destroy the three generators, thwart the Fellowship, and ultimately destroy the Black Gate. There are also side quests to finish, dungeons to raid and clear, and a plethora of items to find and equip…including the Black Sword itself.

Unfortunately, as of February 2014, Lucifuge discontinued work on The Black Gate Board Game. However, he took much of what he learned while attempting to create a digital version of the project (using the Unity engine) and went on to build the For The King series from those foundations.

12 Responses

  1. Nathaniel says:

    That looks like a really awesome board game with really appealing artwork.The game pieces and seem to capture the essence of one of my favourite Ultima titles. I with Lucifuge much success in this endeavour!

  2. JulianDupre says:

    How do I get this whole game?

    • WtF Dragon says:

      As far as I know, you can’t…apart from the main map, Lucifuge never released any other game component artwork.

      Not that you couldn’t make your own, I suppose.

  1. July 4, 2013

    […] any rate, I have set up a project entry for Lucifuge Dragon’s game, whereat a gallery of images of the game can be found. Hopefully […]

  2. July 8, 2013

    […] the discussion on the Ultima Dragons Facebook group concerning Lucifuge Dragon’s board game adaptation of Ultima 7, it was mentioned by someone that BoardGameGeek was hosting a couple of other Ultima-themed games. […]

  3. July 8, 2013

    […] I’ve taken the liberty of adding these to the project entry here. Check thou them […]

  4. July 22, 2013

    […] Lucifuge Dragon has continued working on (and playtesting) his board game adaptation of Ultima 7: The Black Gate, and has posted some additional images of the game and its pieces to his Instagram profile. Naturally, these have also been added to the relevant project entry here. […]

  5. October 1, 2022

    […] been following the Ultima fan project scene for a while, you may recall that for a while, there was a project in the works that was attempting to adapt Ultima 7: The Black Gate as a board game. The project shifted […]

  6. October 26, 2023

    […] For The King games emerged out of The Black Gate Board Game, an attempt to re-create Ultima 7: The Black Gate as a board game. Lucifuge Dragon ultimately […]

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