Ultima VII: Revisited

Produced by: Anthony Salter
Website: U7 Revisited

A “ready to run” build of Anthony Salter’s Ultima 7 Revisited.
Ultima 7: The Black Gate was a revolutionary game for its time, and remains playable to this day…at least for those who have some familiarity with games from the early 1990s. But equally, the game is not without its issues: the framerate is staggeringly — literally, characters seem to stagger on-screen — low, the combat engine is a joke, and the palette shifts that are used for the day/night cycle render the game’s UI almost unusable at night.
Which is why Anthony Salter — the developer of the Geist game engine — has embarked upon an effort to build a “replacement engine for Ultima VII” that will “present the world of Britannia in a 3D engine, using a more modern (but not too modern) presentation.” His goal is to “[smooth] off some of the rough corners, like the inventory and combat systems” from the original Ultima 7, in order to “create a new way of playing Ultima VII that will allow [modern gamers] to understand exactly why Ultima VII is so amazing.”
Downloads for U7 Revisited are available as a standalone “ready to run” package. Previously, running U7 Revisited required would-be players to also install the Geist engine, but as of version 0.0.6 he has been releasing downloads of the project that don’t require a full Geist setup.
You can also get in touch with the good Mr. Salter via the U7 Revisited website; his contact information is posted there. And if you are so inclined, do also consider helping him and his wife relocate to what will hopefully be their retirement/final home:
4 Responses
[…] is a brand new project entry for U7 Revisited here at the Codex. However, if you want to download and try it for yourself, […]
[…] You can, as always, pick up a copy of Ultima 7 Revisited from Anthony’s website; it is now available as a “ready to run” package thereat, which means that it can also be obtained from the project entry here at the Codex. […]
[…] can download the latest version of U7 Revisited from Anthony’s website, or from the project’s entry here at the […]
[…] always, you can grab the latest build of Ultima VII Revisted from Anthony’s website, or from the project entry here at the […]