
Produced by: Team Exult
Website: Exult @ Sourceforge
Current Releases:

The latest stable release of Exult, for Windows.

The latest stable release of Exult, for Mac OS.

The latest stable release of Exult, for Android.
Exult Toolkits:

Exult Tools, part of the editing suite that has been developed for Exult.

The original Windows version of Exult Studio, part of the editing suite that has been developed for Exult.

The Mac OS port of Exult Studio, part of the editing suite that has been developed for Exult.
A truly amazing project, Exult is a cross-platform reworking of the Ultima 7 engine that allows The Black Gate and Serpent Isle to be run on modern operating systems with expanded memory environments. This is not the same as a Voodoo memory-manager wrapper program, and it also supports operating systems (not just Windows).
Exult 1.10 is the latest “stable” release — the Exult team has made a number of significant engine changes since the previous stable release, including optional installation of Exult mods at the time of installation. Windows and Mac OS builds are available, as is a newly-stable Android build. Version 1.11 is the current unstable version; snapshot builds of this version are available for the same platforms.
Exult requires the original game data files from The Black Gate or Serpent Isle if it is to be used to play either game. Using Exult Tools and Exult Studio, new games can be created using the engine.
Great news! I just got the android version working with JellyBean 4.1.2. I copied the stuff I had from my modded PSP after downloading the data that it wanted me to and then my save games. And THEY work too!!! So happy to have this game back! Thanks for hosting this!
That’s great news; I’ll make a note of it!
Hi there!
It is exciting to see that Ultima also works on new operating systems! And on very different platforms like Android! One question I have: Is there a manual for the Android version of Exult aviable? Especially how to configure Exult on Android?
Thanks to all people involved to continue the Ultima-Saga!
As far as I know, there’s no instructions document for the Android setup available. I can ask, though.
There are two different approaches to Android, see http://exult.sourceforge.net/faq.php#what_platforms
There you will find links to the respective forum posts with some instructions.
BUT both builds are ages old by now…. 🙁
I installed Exult (native) on my Pocketbook A10 and it works very good. I’ve downloaded the Music&Sound Addon, but where I have to copy this files?
Where you put the exult data files in a music subfolder.
But please use the Exult forum and best the respective thread for further questions.